Havi Schlecker is originally from Miami, FL. After an early gymnastics career, Havi found dance at 11 years old. With wanting to pursue a career in dance, she only applied to schools in California, landing her at UC Irvine. After interning at a few different agencies and a shift in mindset, Havi landed an assistant position at DDO Artists Agency in the Kids’ department, while simultaneously working at Movement Lifestyle dance studio. A year and a half later, she found herself working as an assistant at Bloc Talent Agency. After a little over 2.5 years, Havi was meant to go on a life changing adventure living in Australia. This also happened to be the year Covid began. Upon returning from overseas and a quick stint working at Nike at The Grove, Havi found herself back in the agency world at Clear Talent Group. With a total of roughly 7 years in the biz, Havi is now the Talent Coordinator of the dance department. Dance really is her one true love, but don’t tell her fiancé that.